Friday, August 26, 2011

Homestead Experiment #29-Homemade Cherry Pitter

One of my  favorite magazines is Seasons At Home published by Joyous Home Publishing.  Each whimsical issue is like a book filled with encouraging insights, and wonderful crafts, handiwork, and woodworking projects.  It helps me to regain perspective in regards to my mothering ministry, and it gives me ideas for developing life-skills in my children.  In the most recent issue there was a recipe for canned cherry pie filling.  When I saw cherries on sale at the store for 1.99 a pound (regularly $5-6), I knew I had to give it a try.

I happily loaded up my grocery cart with bags of cherries and headed over to the household department to pick up a cherry pitter. $15.99!?!  For a utensil I will use once a year?!  I was going to spend more on the pitter than on the cherries!  I dragged my bags back to their home on the produce shelf, but was resolved to research a homemade version of the pitter.  Thankfully I didn't have to look any further than youtube for a variety of options.  I saw everything from knife smashers to paper clips, but the design I settled on is featured in this video:

Just like the guys show in the clip, I was easily able to replicate their pitter with my own cheap forks and pliers.

Then came the test of being able to use it with ease. Sure enough, I was able to pit 6lbs. of cherries during my daughters' 30 minute rest-time.  Not too shabby, eh?

For a cost savings of roughly $15.75, I am extremely happy with the result. Thanks 'handsongourmet'!

Hillary At Home

1 comment:

  1. I could have used this a few years ago!! My friends from WA, brought up a box of cherries-there were soooo many, I had to give them away. Anyway, I ended up buying one of those pitters because I figured that was my only choice-it ended up breaking!! Ah well, I'll know for next time! Thanks for the idea!
