Friday, October 1, 2010

Homestead FYI Quickbit: 2 Uses for Oxygen Cleaners

Okay, so I'm on my way out the door, but wanted to quickly drop these two great tidbits on my blogsite for you. You know those oxygen cleaners, i.e. Oxyclean and the myriad of copycats? Well, over the last few months I've been introduced to two new ways to use them effectively.

1) Amazing stain removal! If you have a stain that refuses to come out via traditional methods, then try this. Put the garment(s) in the washer and put the water to HOT (I tend to hold the garments until I have enough to do a small load. Since the water setting needs to be hot, be sure to group like colored clothing together in the same load!) and add 5 scoops of oxy cleaner. Let agitate for 30 seconds and then stop the washer. With the lid down, let it sit overnight or for several hours. Then resume the wash cycle and dry. I've had great success with grass stains, grease stains, and other stains that have already been through the dryer. Thanks to my dear friend at!/pages/Cordova-Alaska/Cordova-Comfort-Quilting/124446857581714?ref=ts for the tip. Oh and be sure to check out her site for amazing quilts that she has done!

2) Does your shower curtain liner have mildew on it? Yeah, 'fess up-we know it does! Well, rather than throw it in the landfill or repurpose it as a dropcloth, throw it in the washer on the cold setting with a scoop of oxy cleaner. I tried this off of another website and it worked perfectly! Hooray!

Okay, I'm off for the day. I hope these tips bless you and your homestead!

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